Amabile with museum
Mar 07, 2023
DPG Concert
This year we celebrate the 60th season of the Friends of Music Association, which will begin on Tuesday, 7 March 2023, at the Regional Museum Koper, which has been a faithful companion in the creation of the Amabile with the Museum series over the last few years. In the spring part, we are planning 6 chamber music concerts.
The first concert will be given by cellist Martin Sikur and pianist Denys Masliuk. The programme includes works by Beethoven, Schubert and Porkofiev. At the end of the month, on 29 March, a piano quartet will perform under the auspices of the Inštitut.abeceda, a group of young Slovenian performers. The programme will include classical repertoire (Mozart and Brahms) as well as newly written works. Both concerts will start at 19.30. More information about the performers can be found on the website:
You are invited to become a member of the DPG, which will give you free admission to all the concerts of the Amabile series.
Pokrajinski muzej Koper/Museo regionale di Capodistria
Kidričeva ulica 19, 6000 Koper – Capodistria
+386 (0)41 556 644 Visit website
Mar 07, 2023