Virtualno po morju – diving work in a fish farm
Feb 28, 2023
"...In the last episode of Virtualno po morju (Virtual tour of the sea), we will talk about the diving work required to maintain a fish farm. This work can only be carried out by experienced divers who dive at all times of the year, because maintenance work cannot wait, but must be carried out all year round. Lean will show and explain all the equipment that a diver needs for his work. This show will conclude a series of eight episodes through which we have tried to show and explain to viewers everything that goes on in a fish farm - from the arrival of the fry, the maintenance of the nets, the fish feed and everything that is needed to keep the farm healthy for the fish and their habitat."
Link to the trailer:
When: Tuesday, 28 February at 17:00
Where: online (YouTube channel: Misli na morju, noge v lavorju - YouTube)