Rose hydrolate is one of the most sought-after hydrolates in the world. If you have fragrant roses in your garden, you can make it yourself!
Join this unique fragrant workshop on home distillation of the queen of flowers – roses. Enriched with a guided walk through a beautiful private garden full of fragrant old rose bushes and first-hand tips on rose breeding from an experienced rose breeder.

Distilling roses requires some experience, as it is different from the usual distillation of other herbs. It may therefore be useful to seek information on the important specifics of rose distillation before making your first attempts. You will save yourself a lot of time learning from your own mistakes and the quality of your products will bring smiles of satisfaction to your face.

When roses are in full bloom, it’s the perfect time to pick their flowers and capture their intoxicating scent in fragrant rose hydrolates. In the Maritime region, the best time to do this is in April or May. That’s why you’ll be heading to the beautiful estate of THE HUG OF NATURE in Dekani, where large bushes of fragrant old roses live in peaceful harmony with the surrounding nature. They are full of rose blossoms of different colours and shapes and aromatic essential oils that give the rose blossoms their distinctive scents.

With you will be EVA NEDELKO, experienced distiller, rose lover, author and holistic aromatherapist, and IRENA FABJAN, rose lover and rose breeder.
More information and registration on the website.