You are invited to the closing concert of the LAPIDARIUM Museum Music Evenings, which will take place on Wednesday, 23 August at 9 pm in the lapidarium of the Belgamoni-Tacco Palace, where the group Prijatelji will perform.

The group Prijatelji is made up of Urban Lenarčič, Aleksander Mask, Vlado Korošec and Igor Smolnik, who have been involved in music in various ways, both as amateurs and professionals, from a young age. The members of the group have been active in this ensemble for eight years and are well known both in their home environment in Slovenian Istria and beyond. With their fine singing and two guitars, they will undoubtedly give the audience an unforgettable evening of music.

Tickets for the concert, priced at 10 euros, can be purchased at all outlets and at the Regional Museum Koper, 19 Kidričeva Street.

Ticket link: