Creative workshop Water, ice and snow
Dec 28, 2023
10 am - 12 pm
Where and when?
Thursday, 28th December from 10 am to 12 pm at the Centre of experiments, Kidričeva street 17.
From age 8 up.
Paper snowflakes creations.
Entrance fee: 5 EUR.
Preliminary applications:
- email:,
- web spletnega obrazca
- phone +386 41 989 926 (Branka) ali 5 627 20 77 (centro).
- by person, in the Centre of the experiments
Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Koper/Associazione dei matematici, fisici e astronomi Capodistria
Kidričeva ulica 17, 6000 Koper
+386 (0) 5 627 20 77 Visit website
Dec 28, 2023
10 am - 12 pm