On 3 December, we are particularly looking forward to the arrival of St Nicholas, who will arrive to our town in his fairy-tale carriage. The celebrations will continue with the popular children’s author and performer Romana Krajnčan. Together we will sing her favourite songs, including Huda mravljica, Tubo Lubo, Račke, Žabice, Živa and Žan, Zajček Zlatko, Murenčki and many other hits. As Tone Pavček wrote: ‘Whoever wants to sing for children must have a voice that goes beyond do-re-mi. But the voice alone is not enough. They must also have a big and a beautiful heart, to make room for all the children, from Anže to Žiga, from Živa to Anka’. Romana Krajnčan, I would say, has such a voice and such a heart. That is why she sings the children their real songs’.

We invite you to join us for this wonderful event where we will create unforgettable moments of joy and laughter!