To books and women I sing / Ritratti di donne e libri
María Elorza, Spain / Spagna, 2022, 72′

A witty documentary about family, friendship, love, longing, memories, pain, social position… these and many other life experiences of women in relation to literature and identity. A moving tribute to the images that live inside us, the fictional or real stories we have heard or experienced that help us survive.

The film is for the Kino Istra programme as part of the international project Young Selectors for Young Audiences! European Film Festivals Network and in collaboration with Kino Otok – Isola Cinema, a group of young selectors who will give a short introduction to the screening.

Entrance is free, but the number of places is limited at the Koper Regional Museum, so please book your tickets by email:

Cinema Istria is produced by Otok, an institute for the development of culture and society, and the Koper Public Institute for Youth, Culture and Tourism. The Europe Direct Koper Information Point, which co-organises the Film Week Europe event, is a partner of the programme. It is supported by the co-sponsors Municipality of Koper, Municipality of Ankaran, Slovenian Film Centre, the Creative Europe MEDIA sub-programme of the European Commission and the Ministry of Public Administration. The media partner of the Cinema Istria programme is Radio Capris.