with Saša Bezjak, Siniša Labrović, Nataša Skušek | 

Award Cesare dell’Acqua 2022 – 
Curated by: Majda Božeglav Japelj, Loža Gallery, Koper – 17. 11. 2023–21. 1. 2024 | 

Opening: Friday, 17. 11. 2023, at 18.00 |

Acknowledgments: Jaka Babnik, Martin Petrič, Gregor Podnar, Mateja Pucko, Muzej-Museo Lapidarium, Novigrad-Cittanova

Mladen Stropnik received the Cesare dell’Acqua Award at the International Painting Ex-tempore Piran 2022. The award is named after the 19th century artist born in Piran, who established himself in the wider European area as a painter of portraits, historical and genre motifs. Last year’s  international jury recognized Stropnik as an extremely interesting creator whose work deserved to be presented in the PCG’s 2023 exhibition program. His exhibition entitled “wiener schnitzel french fries“, which is being prepared by the curator dr. Majda Božeglav Japelj,  will be opened on Friday, 17 November 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the Loža Gallery in Koper. Stropnik ranks among the well-established representatives of the middle generation, who materialise their creativity in the field of contemporary visual art through a combination of different media, techniques and procedures. His recognizable personal style, which is rooted in Minimalist Aesthetics, is placed in the sphere of modern experimentation with innovative conceptual approaches.

For more information, click here.